Ok, we'll move this WebID part forward in the agenda, since we have
spent a lot of time on this. And I think we'd all like to have this
behind us.
In the meantime my feeling is that there are a lot of badly argued parts
- irrelevant or other - in most arguments on the wiki. So instead of us
all together going over the arguments and cleaning them up during
the teleconf, I'd like to have a one-on-one with everybody to clean
up the arguments, tighten them and group them, so that it is no longer
the person making the case that takes the forefront, but the reasoning.
Please ping me on IRC/skype so we can go over this. I don't think we should
need more than 15 minutes per person.
I do feel that the wiki is helping us make progress. It is just a lot easier
to understand the field when one sees the arguments lined up on one page,
instead of being lost in long and often off topic threads.
Having said that, I'd like to wish our US members a Happy Thanksgiving.
On 22 Nov 2012, at 16:33, Alexandre Bertails <bertails@w3.org> wrote:
>> I don't think we have all the answers in - I am still waiting for Alexandre Bertails -
>> who was very vocal at both TPAC and last meeting in favour of the stronger answer 1.
> That's done now.
> I will attend next Friday teleconference depending on the
> agenda. Also, Andrei and I have a hard-limit at 11am (Boston time).
> Alexandre.
>> Anyway, the picture is starting to clear.
>> Could people please consider each point they put down, and see if it really is a point in favor of a position And also please make the points short and concise with pointers to extra material. (I'd like to remove rambling).
>> Henry
>>> ps: thanks for taking this to the TAG, I was glad to see it being raised their.
>>> Best,
>>> Nathan
>> Social Web Architect
>> http://bblfish.net/
Social Web Architect