Re: telconf 07-11-2012 : what is webid

> I'm designing systems, with interoperability and adoption in mind. In
> the case of WebID, we believe that it means "building on top of LDP",
> which I recall is the only W3C Working Group that is chartered to work
> on defining the platform (Read-Write) for RDF data *on the Web*. This
> Community Group has *no chance* to bring WebID to LDP if it's not
> built on top of LDP, you need to realize that.

hi alexandre,

1. webID is not an annex to ldp, it's neither on top of ldp or else
related, why should it be. should we redefine dope, sioc, foaf just to
please ldp? 
(let that sound to your ears : a doap:Project is a #URI that denotes a
software project)
2. webID has nothing to do with deployment and data-io, hence it has
nothing to do with ldp.
3. not every triple on this planet will be hosted on an ldp system
sometimes soon
4. on the other i could always host a webID on an ldp system, that's it
5. webID does NOT rely on ldp. when i choose to host my webID on an ldp
system there WILL be a turtle representation (if the ldp spec says so)
and i CAN have a #URI, that's it.

to the topic of speed : i'd rather ask first (maybe also a second time)
and shoot later. changing specs is not really a good idea to do it too

to the topic of discussion : we are simple "discussing" the very
definition of webID - that is NOT a waste of time.


| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
| Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
| A - 1070 Wien, Austria
| Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22

| web       :
| foaf      :
| web       :
| foaf      :
| g+        :
| skype     : jakobitsch-punkt
| xmlns:tg  = ""

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 23:09:22 UTC