WebID Demo Suggestion

hi kingsley,

i'm already using linked data for my invoices and bookkeeping.

here's a another suggestion for a demo that might prove usefull :
bookkeeping (invoices).

along your latest example of "you can log in to my page, if you know me
or timbl" you could use invoices as a demo (fishing for ceos and
cfos :-) )

1. create a super simple invoice ontology
   with due date, pay date, amount, currency, description and the target
of the invoice (who has to pay)

now for example you could write invoices targeted at [1]. 
if i log in using my webID i can only access the invoices targeted at
myself. using sparql 1.1 i could calculate the sum of all open invoices.

i even could transfer the data to my bookkeeping application using a
construct query altering the uri to fit my needs, as soon as the payment
for an invoice is confirmed.

wkr turnguard

[1] http://www.turnguard.com/turnguard

| Jürgen Jakobitsch, 
| Software Developer
| Semantic Web Company GmbH
| Mariahilfer Straße 70 / Neubaugasse 1, Top 8
| A - 1070 Wien, Austria
| Mob +43 676 62 12 710 | Fax +43.1.402 12 35 - 22

| web       : http://www.semantic-web.at/
| foaf      : http://company.semantic-web.at/person/juergen_jakobitsch
| web       : http://www.turnguard.com
| foaf      : http://www.turnguard.com/turnguard
| g+        : https://plus.google.com/111233759991616358206/posts
| skype     : jakobitsch-punkt
| xmlns:tg  = "http://www.turnguard.com/turnguard#"

Received on Sunday, 29 July 2012 18:39:14 UTC