Re: TPAC Lyon 2012

The following people expressed interest to attend a RWW/WeBID group at TPAC:

  Sebastian Tramp
  Andrei Sambra
  Melvin Carvalho
  Michiel de Jong
  Olivier Berger         
  Bart van Leeuwen       
  Vincent BARBEROT       
  Antoine Zimmermann      
  Henry Story                  Linked Data Profile, ( interested also in RDF, LinkedData )
  Romain Blin            
  Alexandre Bertails           Linked Data Profile
  Prof Martin Gaedeke   ( + Student )

I am pretty sure that we have another 4-5 on the list in the next few days, and
more to come, especially from the different groups such as linked data, etc...

   Have I missed anyone?

What would be useful next would be to know from people attending what other groups they are
attending too, so that we can minimise clashes.

I'll send this on in a couple of days to the organisers.


On 13 Jul 2012, at 15:52, Henry Story wrote:

> From 29 October to 2 November 2012 the W3C Technical Plenary will be taking place in Lyon [1]. 
> I think this would be a great time for the RWW & WebID community groups to meet, and potentially to also interact with the Linked Data Profile (LDP) [2] group members, as well as with the LinkedData members and others (security perhaps, federated social web community groups?). I think that by October we should have some really cool demos working, and this could be a great time to discuss implementations, standardisation proposals, and much else...
> At last week's LDP teleconf I brought this up, and there was interest in this there.
> So assuming this could be made to happen ( there is room issue that needs to be looked at ), I have been asked how many people would be willing to come to Lyon, France for that time? Could you let me know here (or privately) if you would consider coming - and what you would like to discuss and see happen there?
> Thanks,
> 	Henry Story
> [1]
> [2]
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 16 July 2012 16:50:44 UTC