Re: Doodle for upcoming WebID telecons

Please fill in  the doodle so we can work out what is the best time to have everyone together in the teleconf.
Currently we only had 5 people put their names down.

Don't pay attention to the dates. We just want to see when its easiest to get everyone together.


On 4 Feb 2012, at 09:53, Henry Story wrote:

> On 4 Feb 2012, at 02:05, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please fill the time slots you are available for joining the upcoming conf calls at
>> All days of the week are available, and the times range from morning-afternoon on east coast matching afternoon-evening in Europe. We will not only use the results of this poll for next week only, but potentially for every week or every other week, so even if you are not free next week, fill in the times you are the most likely to be free on a given day of the week.
> Done. 
> We should try to get some people to come in from different groups to talk about things so that 
> we can see how things can get integrated with their work. 
> Henry
>> have a great weekend!
>> Steph.
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 13:40:45 UTC