Re: Extending the WebID protocol with Access Delegation

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 11:02:21PM +0200, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > Sebastian Tramp, Andrei Sambra, Philip Frischmuth, Michael Martin, Sören
> > Auer and I have submitted a paper entitled "Extending the WebID protocol
> > with Access Delegation"  for the ISCW 2012, 3rd International Workshop on
> > Consuming Linked Data
> >
> >
> Very interesting paper.  I've read through it once, though suspect I'll be
> reading it again.  Thanks for putting this together.
> One issue that stands out is fine grained permissions.
> When I think of delegated authentication, probably the most common (and
> perhaps) useful example is giving a 3rd party app (e.g. a game) permission to
> do something somewhere else.

This is so true Melvin and we are looking forward to work in this direction.
This paper is just a starting point for the wohl access delegation issue. We
collected some ideas during the process of writing but had no space left to add
everything we had (e.g. Henry outlined a schema for doing this in [1]).

Best regards



Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2012 08:02:33 UTC