Re: Extending the WebID protocol with Access Delegation

On 8/14/12 7:11 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> Of interest to both RWW and WebID group:
> Sebastian Tramp, Andrei Sambra, Philip Frischmuth, Michael Martin, Sören Auer and I have submitted a paper entitled "Extending the WebID protocol with Access Delegation"  for the ISCW 2012, 3rd International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data
> The paper has not been accepted yet, and the review process will very likely allow us to revise parts of it. But the review process can start here already. Feedback, ideas and implementations are welcome :-)
> More pointers on the wiki
> Sincerely,
> 	Henry
> Social Web Architect


In my previous WebID ACL examples I had a social relationship oriented 
rule that looked up:
:bob foaf:knows :alice .

I might just as well create another that states:
:bob cert:secretary :secretary  .

Here is my actual Virtuoso or ODS access rule where I just use ^[webid]^ 
as my placeholder for the WebID being tested:

PREFIX sioc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

ASK WHERE {^{webid}^ rdf:type foaf:Person;
                     foaf:knows ?s
FILTER (?s IN (<>,

Which becomes:

PREFIX sioc: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>

ASK WHERE {^{webid}^ rdf:type foaf:Person.
                    ?s cert:secretary ^[webid]^
FILTER (?s IN (<>,

I am happy to setup this rule for live testing.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 12:32:47 UTC