Re: The Internet Web: (Would be) Stories on Evolution

Dear All,

(This message is resent with an added addresse)

Considering a technological context of human species: It is symbolic
objects and thoughts and cultural stimuluses which are the appearance of
language in members of that species...

Thus may we see human struggles manifested with arts, cities, and a space
of the Internet Web at present and the future...? (p. 6)

"How Could Language Have Evolved"?

Guntur Wiseno Putra

Pada Kamis, 04 April 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <> menulis:

> Dear All
> ... Considering a technological context of human species: It is symbolic
> objects and thoughts and cultural stimuluses which are the appearance of
> language in members of that species...
> Thus may we see human struggles manifested with arts, cities, and a space
> of the Internet Web at present and the future...? (p. 6)
> "How Could Language Have Evolved"?
> Regard,
> Guntur Wiseno Putra
> Pada Minggu, 31 Maret 2019, Guntur Wiseno Putra <>
> menulis:
>> Dear All,
>> The Internet Web and history: attempts to identify the relation between
>> them may be found where Steven Pemberton discussed "The computer as an
>> Extended Phenotype" of which there was the manifestation of genes developed
>> through "language" as an information carrier supporting a kind of
>> evolution, a human one: so there has been being "Computers Generations"...
>> As concepts are related with human activities of knowledge by language
>> may it be related with what Quentin Skinner said that "Concepts only have
>> histories" --rendering to what was Nietszche's...
>> https://espacestemps/articles/quentin-skinner/
>> Of those references we may read on "human struggles"...
>> Regard,
>> Guntur Wiseno Putra

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2019 02:44:56 UTC