Re: Conferences

It was indeed Bob Hopgood, and he sent his latest version. It is now at in its original HTML version.

Again, recommended reading, from someone who was around very early on.


Max Froumentin <> wrote:

>Continuing my exploration of early academic articles about the web…
>Hindsight makes some old articles from early web and hypertext
>conferences very entertaining reading. Yet, I've failed to locate any
>trace of what appears to be timbl's first paper: "World-Wide Web:
>Information Universe", Electronic Publishing: Research, Applications
>and Policy, April 1992. If anybody has an idea where to find that
>paper, I'm sure it would be quite interesting. Else, I'll try the long
>route of asking him.
>While googling I found this "History of the Web" PDF [1], which is
>quite interesting and touches on topics not usually addressed, like
>markup. It doesn't say who wrote it, though. I have a vague suspicion
>that it's Bob Hopgood: the document's copyright is with Oxford Brooks
>uni, Bob's actually visible on a photo (p. 21 with Tim's father), and
>he's modest enough not to have put his name on the document. I will go
>the long route and ask him.
>On 16 Jul 2012, at 13:50, Max Froumentin wrote:
>> At least there's a photo, at the top of the article, whose date
>indicates it was taken at Hypertext '91 :
>> The rest of the article, about the Horrible Cernettes picture, is
>worth reading too.
>> Max.
>> On 12 Jul 2012, at 00:04, Shane Hudson wrote:
>>> There seems to be a lot of interesting reports from Hypertext'91 but
>as of yet I have not found any that are freely available. Tempted to
>add the digital library to my ACM subscription, but unfortunately I
>would still not be able to share it.
>>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 9:43 PM, Max Froumentin
><> wrote:
>>> On the subject of conferences,
>>> I was reading a book recounting the first conferences on cybernetics
>(then called conferences on the Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisms
>in Biological and Social Systems), in 1946, and the author recounts
>quite vividly the discussions that took place then, which turned out to
>be pivotal for the newborn information science. It so happens that some
>of the conference's discussions were recorded in shorthand by one of
>the attendees and proved to be more valuable than the papers presented
>>> I don't know if at, say, Hypertext '91 there were similarly
>fascinating and important discussions on the newborn Web, and if they
>were properly recorded. I can see a "trip report" at [2], but it's for
>sale! I hope there are other testimonials to be found (it's not as if
>all they attendees are now dead) and studied to trace the evolution of
>concepts and ideas.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Max.
>>> [1] The book is "The Information" by James Gleick and a site on the
>conferences is at
>>> [2]
>>>  I recently wondered about the proceedings of early-Web conferences.
>Not proceedings as in the list of papers published, but discussions
>that may have taken place, that were (or not) recorded.
>>> On 11 Jul 2012, at 19:40, Daniel Dardailler wrote:
>>>> I have what I think is the first A4 leaflet produced by Tim, that
>my wife
>>>> brought back from Hypertext 91' in San-Antonio Texas (a conf she
>attended as a
>>>> Digital engineer working on their own hypertext of that time,
>called Memex,
>>>> integrated in DecWindows). It has on one side a variation of the
>"Web bus" [...]
>>> -- 
>>> Shane Hudson (Website Developer -
>>> 07794746595
>>> @ShaneHudson / +Shane Hudson

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