WG Zoom notes


RRSagent bot timed out today after the WG Zoom call, and left the IRC
channel before I managed to make minutes from our notes. I think our
minutes can still be recovered, but just in case - here are the raw notes
taken during our discussion. Many thanks to Skef for scribing today!

12:03 <Vlad> zakim, start meeting
12:03 <Zakim> RRSAgent, make logs Public
12:03 <Zakim> Meeting: Web Fonts Working Group Teleconference
12:03 <RRSAgent> I have made the request, Zakim
12:03 <skef> present+
12:04 <Vlad> present+
12:04 <Garret> Having audio problems one sec going to rejoin
12:11 <skef> Patch categorization changes:
1 user has joined, and 1 user has left
12:11 <Vlad> scribenick: skef
1 user has joined, and 1 user has left
12:12 <skef> Topic: patch categorization changes
12:13 <skef> Wanted a better way to categorize patches beyond "dependent"
and "indpendent"
12:13 <skef> Dependent patches might need their own sets of "independent"
12:14 <skef> Now have "full invalidation", "partial invalidation" and "no
invalidation" patches
12:14 <skef> Indicates what patches invalidate what other patches with
finer granularity
12:17 <skef> Question: should there still be two equivalent tables IFT/IFTX
or should they be more specific
12:22 *** Garret* (~Garret@7a930742.publics.cloak)* has quit *(Garret)*
12:25 <skef> We'll consider whether we might need 3 tables or whether we
can be more specific about what patch types go into what tables (and
reconsider naming)
12:27 *** Garret8* (~Garret@7a930742.publics.cloak)* has joined the channel
12:28 <skef> Topic: PR review
12:29 <skef> WOFF2 notes were changed
12:31 <skef> (This is about pr 161)
12:32 <Vlad> s/pr 161/[PR 161](https://github.com/w3c/IFT/pull/161)/
12:34 <skef> We'll consider dropping the whole-file patches
12:39 <skef> hmtx has predictable output
12:42 <skef> Will double-check if there are other data-altering WOFF2 table
12:47 <skef> We'll add some info about pre-loading back into the encoder
12:47 <skef> PR 165: optional ID string mapping to format 2
12:50 <Vlad> https://github.com/w3c/IFT/pull/165
12:52 <Vlad> *On data-altering WOFF2 table encodings - see last two
paragraphs of WOFF2 section 5: https://www.w3.org/TR/WOFF2/#table_format
12:52 <skef> We'll say that all custom ID characters will be URL-safe
12:53 <skef> PR 164: unify some fields across the patch formats
12:53 <skef> PR 163: error handling
12:54 <skef> skef will review the error handling PR soon
12:56 <skef> Encoder section is still in progress, will spend some time on
the glyph-specific content
12:57 <Vlad> zakim, list attendees
12:57 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been skef, Vlad
12:58 <Vlad> present+ Garret
12:58 <Vlad> zakim, list attendees
12:58 <Zakim> As of this point the attendees have been skef, Vlad, Garret

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 01:23:06 UTC