Webfonts WG meeting minutes


Thank you for productive discussions on today's call. The meeting minutes
are available online at https://www.w3.org/2023/07/11-webfonts-minutes.html
The bot made an assumption that I was the scribe (probably because I was
the one entering IRC topics as our call progressed from one topic to
another). Many thanks to Garret for capturing the substance of our
discussions in his notes.

Our next call on July 18 is cancelled, we will reconvene on July 25th for
an extended 2-hour long discussion of a new very important topic! You will
never know what it is unless you join the call on July 25th! :) (Or maybe
you will, if I make it part of the agenda.)

Thanks again,

Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2023 17:30:28 UTC