Seeking Testimonials for "W3C Web Fonts Working Group and MPEG recognized with a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award" press release

Dear Advisory Committee Representatives,

On 25 April, W3C Web Fonts Working Group and MPEG will be recognized with a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for standardizing font technology for custom downloadable fonts and typography for web and TV devices. We will issue a press release on the day of the ceremony.

We have prepared a draft press release which is under embargo until 25 April 2022.

If your organization wishes to submit a Member testimonial, please do so ASAP and before EOD 20 April.  Guidelines for Member testimonials are at:

If you would like to send a Member testimonial, the draft press release (text version below) that you can share with your Press/Comm departments under embargo is at:

Please let us know if you would like to submit a testimonial and many congrats again to the WOFF WG. 

Thank you. 

Amy van der Hiel
W3C Media Relations Coordinator

Text version of the press release:

   [1]W3C Under embargo until 2022-04-25


   Changing the face of the web: W3C Web Fonts Working Group and MPEG
        recognized with a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award

   Read [2]testimonials from W3C Members

   [3]Translations | [4]W3C Press Release Archive


   [5] — 25 April 2022 — Today the World Wide
   Web Consortium (W3C) Web Fonts Working Group and MPEG together
   received a 2021 Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for
   standardizing font technology for custom downloadable fonts and
   typography for web and TV devices.


  A new face of the web

   Web Fonts have enhanced the way we see and read text on the
   web, how we communicate; and they have literally changed the
   typographic face of the web.

   The invention of the World Wide Web has often been compared, in
   its world-changing impact on society, to the invention of the
   printing press in Europe. The pieces of moveable typeface used
   by Gutenberg helped to lead to a revolution in the sharing of
   information then, and Web Fonts have changed the way we see and
   interact with information on the web now.

   Chris Lilley, co-developer of Web Open Font Format (WOFF) and
   Staff Contact of the W3C Web Fonts Working Group, said: “We can
   often immediately identify, from the pointed heavy shapes in
   the text of a gothic movie poster or the sleek lines of the
   title of a futuristic sci-fi show, its genre. Web Fonts bring
   this aesthetic experience, this added visual layer of
   communication, more easily and more widely to the web. In
   addition to aesthetic experience, fonts can bring identity to
   the written word.”

  A culmination of 25 years of work

   This award for Web Fonts represents the culmination of a
   quarter-century of work at the Web Consortium. In 1996, just 2
   years after the World Wide Web Consortium was founded, Chris
   Lilley, who accepted the Emmy® award for W3C, wrote a Rationale
   for Fonts on the Web, noting: “ a solution for Fonts on the web
   should be a framework, capable of supporting current and future
   technologies (based on content negotiation between a knowing
   and willing sender and recipient), and be implementable from
   publically available specifications.” A year later, the W3C
   Fonts working group released the first public draft of Web
   Fonts, introducing the now-familiar @font-face CSS mechanism.

   However, it would be decades of work in order to reach the
   point where downloadable fonts could be easily licensed and
   reliably used in any browser on laptops, mobile and TV.

   Downloadable fonts were not previously common on the web. W3C
   cleared many years of roadblocks and brought together
   communities of web developers, browser and font vendors to find
   a way forward. The new Web Fonts Working Group, established in
   2009, addressed the lack of an interoperable font format and
   font licensing through the creation in 2012 of an
   industry-supported, DRM-free, open font format for the web
   called “WOFF” (Web Open Font Format) whose version 2 –a
   standard since 2018–, is deployed in all major web browsers and
   now powers the vast majority (80%) of sites.

   “Web Fonts heighten consumer experience and give web
   professionals greater aesthetic and creative choices. In many
   ways, though we often take fonts for granted, they act as a
   visual language in themselves. Fonts can be both medium and
   message.” stated Vladimir Levantovsky, Chair of the W3C Web
   Fonts Working Group.

  Making Web Fonts on the web work for everyone

   Web Fonts enable people to use fonts on demand over the web,
   without requiring installation in the operating system. The
   technology developed by the W3C Web Fonts Working Group
   significantly improves compression efficiency and lowers
   network bandwidth. The Brotli compressor used in WOFF2 is so
   efficient that it was also adopted into HTTP, providing
   benefits to the web for HTML, CSS and Javascript files as

   At the start of the web, using web core font pack was the only
   option and many sites looked the same. To us today, the text on
   some older websites look a bit drab and almost funny. Now,
   thanks to WOFF, we have a wide range of open, easy to use fonts
   which make it easier for designers and creators to express
   themselves, share meaning and bring greater richness and
   creativity to the web.

   This is the third Emmy® Award in Technical & Engineering that
   the Web Consortium has won. In 2016 W3C was recognized with a
   Technical and Engineering Emmy® for the Timed Text Markup
   Language (TTML) standard that helps ensure that the needs of
   people with disabilities, particularly people who are deaf or
   hard of hearing, are addressed and in 2018 W3C received a
   Technical and Engineering Emmy® for worldwide media standard
   enabling a Full TV Experience on the Web, bringing videos to
   the Web with HTML5.

About the World Wide Web Consortium

   The mission of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is to lead
   the Web to its full potential by creating technical standards
   and guidelines to ensure that the Web remains open, accessible,
   and interoperable for everyone around the globe. W3C well-known
   standards HTML and CSS are the foundational technologies upon
   which websites are built. W3C works on ensuring that all
   foundational Web technologies meet the needs of civil society,
   in areas such as accessibility, internationalization, security,
   and privacy. W3C also provides the standards that undergird the
   infrastructure for modern businesses leveraging the Web, in
   areas such as entertainment, communications, digital
   publishing, and financial services. That work is created in the
   open, provided for free and under the groundbreaking W3C Patent

   W3C's vision for "One Web" brings together thousands of
   dedicated technologists representing more than 400 [6]Member
   organizations and dozens of industry sectors. W3C is jointly
   hosted by the [7]MIT Computer Science and Artificial
   Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL) in the United States, the
   [8]European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
   (ERCIM) headquartered in France, [9]Keio University in Japan
   and [10]Beihang University in China. For more information see


   End Press Release

Media Contact

   Amy van der Hiel, W3C Media Relations Coordinator

   +1.617.253.5628 (US, Eastern Time)

Testimonials from W3C members

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   [18]Translations | [19]W3C Press Release Archive


Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2022 19:30:17 UTC