WG calls planning during the upcoming TPAC

Hello WG,


The FPWD of the "Incremental Font Transfer" recommendation has been
published [1] and the review is currently underway [2]. 

I would like to encourage all WG members to review the FPWD text and to
discuss the open issues on GitHub.


Let's plan to conduct a two-hour long WG call on Tuesday, October 19 as part
of the W3C TPAC week, starting at our regular time. The agenda for this
TPAC-timed WG call will be primarily based on the list of issues raised for
FPWD [2] and the results of early wide reviews, if available. I am looking
forward to speaking with you all during our call on Oct. 19; meanwhile, the
upcoming tentatively scheduled calls tomorrow and next week (Oct. 12) will
be canceled.


Thank you,




[1] https://w3c.github.io/IFT/Overview.html

[2] https://github.com/w3c/IFT/issues


Received on Monday, 4 October 2021 22:06:22 UTC