RE: TPAC 2020

Hi Myles,

I assume this is a two-part question, so I am offering my opinion FWIW – WG input is welcome:

1)      Will the WebFonts WG be meeting during TPAC?

I think that since the W3C TPAC meeting this year is virtual, we can continue with our regularly scheduled Zoom calls, and use the time we have scheduled in October (either 19th or 26th) as our TPAC WG call, unless there is a conflict with other TPAC related activities. Once the AC / WG / Tech Plenary sessions schedule is finalized, we can adjust our call time if needed.

2)      Will the WebFonts WG be planning for joint meetings / presentations / Technical Plenary talks?

As of right now (things can change), I don’t see a need for scheduling joint meetings with other WGs. I do hope that by end of September we will have published our final results and findings/recommendations in the Evaluation Report, and I will do a brief presentation to the W3C Advisory Committee. This is something that we have as part of our plan in the current WG charter, and is one of the deliverables we need to publish to have our charter reconfirmed for the remainder of its duration. I was reluctant to commit to having this presentation scheduled until we have final results and WG recommendations we all can agree on, but I definitely hope we will get there with enough lead time before the TPAC. Once we have a final Evaluation Report published, we can plan and discuss the outreach actions to let the W3C community know [as part of the TP day talks].

The WG inputs are much appreciated, but the key to all these options is to deliver our Evaluation Report on time, as we planned all along. Let’s discuss it in more details at the upcoming WG call on September 14th.

Thank you,
Vlad (who is now back online)

From: Myles C. Maxfield <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 5:34 PM
To: w3c-webfonts-wg ( <>
Subject: TPAC 2020


Are we going to be meeting during TPAC?<>


Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2020 19:03:33 UTC