Details of our Unicode Range Blocking Algorithm

As requested in the last working group meeting here are some details of how
we block codepoints together for splitting up a CJK font for unicode range
based serving.

External Presentation Slides:

This is the rough algorithm we use to generate frequency based buckets of
unicode characters used to split up CJK fonts for unicode range serving:



   frequency_map: Frequency map of {unicode codepoint: frequency count}

   sample_font: Representative font for the language (we typically use Noto
   Sans JP/TC/SC/HK/KR)

   frequency_threshold: only characters with frequency > then this
   threshold will be pulled in via closure groups.

   bucket_size: Number of codepoints in each bucket.



   buckets: Subdivision of all of the codepoints in the frequency map into
   ‘num_buckets’ groups.

Algorithm Psuedo Code:

function find_all_sequences(font):

  # Returns all codepoint sequences in the font which can trigger a

  # GSUB or GPOS layout rule. We use a partially complete

  # implementation which handles the simple GSUB/GPOS lookups

  # but not the complex ones (ie. Chaining Context and Context based

  # ones).


# Compute closures for each codepoint, that is the set of codepoints

# which may interact with it.

codepoint_groups = union_find()

for sequence in find_all_sequences(sample_font):

  if (minimum frequency of any codepoint in sequence >


     codepoint_groups.union_all (codepoints in sequence)

for cp, frequency in frequency_map:

  add all unicode canonical decompositions to codepoint_groups[cp] if
frequency > frequency_threshold

closures = dict()

for group in codepoint_groups:

  for cp in group:

    closures[cp] = group

buckets = list()

while frequency_map:

  cps = set()

  while cps.length < bucket_size:

    next_cp = next_highest_frequency_codepoint(frequency_map)

    reachable_cps = {next_cp} + closures[next_cp]

    cps += reachable_cps

    frequency_map -= reachable_cps


Received on Saturday, 30 May 2020 00:34:26 UTC