Re: PFE challenges to consider

We are working on a dataset of page sequences ready to simulate the
different approaches to PFE.

What's popping out here is that we also need to talk about which *fonts* to

So, who has fonts that seems likely to surface issues that they want to let
WG use for PFE testing purposes?

On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 11:08 AM Levantovsky, Vladimir <> wrote:

> From pragmatic point of view (and I mean it in best possible sense of it
> because I like pragmatic approach in general) it may well be a good
> solution, but we also need to be conscious about potential significant
> redundancy that it entails. For example, some fonts have multiple stylistic
> sets supported (if I remember correctly, font “Gabriella” has eight of
> them) and, realistically, only one would be used on page so the built-in
> redundancy of indiscriminate “glyph closure” could be very significant.
> *From:* Garret Rieger <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 24, 2019 1:43 PM
> *To:* Levantovsky, Vladimir <>
> *Cc:*; w3c-webfonts-wg ( <
> *Subject:* Re: PFE challenges to consider
> Currently font subsetters handle this problem by computing a "glyph
> closure". This finds all possible glyphs that are reachable from a set of
> starting glyphs (derived from the input code points) by the application of
> any sequence of layout features in the font. All glyphs in the closure are
> retained in the produced subset. Since the subset and patch transfer method
> uses a font subsetter underneath the data sent back to the client will
> include all glyphs that may be needed to render a particular set of
> codepoints regardless of what layout features are activated client side.
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 10:40 AM Levantovsky, Vladimir <
>> wrote:
> Hi Myles, all,
> Please see inline.
> *From:* <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 23, 2019 5:24 PM
> *To:* Levantovsky, Vladimir <>
> *Cc:* w3c-webfonts-wg ( <
> *Subject:* Re: PFE challenges to consider
> On Jul 23, 2019, at 1:58 PM, Levantovsky, Vladimir <
>> wrote:
> Folks,
> I’ve been chatting with one of my colleagues (who is the expert in complex
> scripts) about our progressive font enrichment project, primarily to figure
> out what fonts we’d need to use as part of our test set for analysis
> framework. As I explained to him two different approaches we currently
> consider, and the overall goals of this project, he made a casual remark
> during the discussion saying “for best results and highest level of
> efficiency – make sure you are subsetting the font to output glyphs set,
> and not just based on input data”.
> Can you explain this a bit more thoroughly? What does he mean by “input”
> and “output”?
> <VL> The input is a textual content that is a part of the page content –
> character strings, character combinations/sequences, CSS font features
> applied, etc. The output is a set of glyph IDs that is going to be rendered
> to display the textual content, which is determined after the shaping and
> layout takes place, and all font features applied. </VL>
> This seemingly innocent remark has immediately raised multiple issues we
> didn’t consider yet (or, at least didn’t verbalize):
> - output glyphs can be modified by CSS (think e.g. stylistic sets,
> smallcaps, glyph alternates, etc.) – a font subset created to support a
> particular page has to account for this;
> These are implemented by font features.
> <VL> Yes, but the discretionary features to be applied are often specified
> by CSS. So, for simple case example, if an initial Latin font subset is
> created to include all required lowercase and uppercase glyphs that
> correspond to the list of codepoints provided by a browser, and the CSS
> calls for small caps feature to be applied – we end up with an initial
> subset that includes lowercase glyphs we do not need, and is missing small
> caps glyphs we do need. </VL>
> - output glyphs can be modified by a particular rendering mode (e.g. ruby
> markup in Japanese);
> Ruby is implemented either by size/width (which means different selected
> fonts, or variable fonts) or by font features.
> <VL> From what I’ve been told (Ken can correct me if I am wrong) – some
> ruby markup may call for different base glyphs. </VL>
> - output glyphs are subject to shaping / layout rules, we may not always
> know what they are (even if we know all input character combinations) until
> the shaping is done, which means the first increment of a particular font
> has to be loaded to at least support shaping.
> For dynamic content, this is certainly true. In general, we haven’t solved
> the “dynamic content” problem yet at all.
> <VL> I don’t think this is true only for dynamic content. </VL>
> Consider a set of characters which the browser knows are present on a
> page. Pretend the browser knows all the shaping rules in the font.
> <VL> How can a browser possibly know all the shaping rules in the font
> without having that particular font. Shaping rules in major parts are
> defined by the content of GSUB/GPOS/GDEF tables, and even if you have two
> different fonts covering the same exact script – glyph IDs are likely to be
> different for the same glyphs, the content of the layout tables will be
> different, and the output set of glyph IDs that need to be encoded in a
> font subset to display the same text content will be different from one
> font to another. I don’t see how we can make an assumption that the browser
> knows all shaping rules in advance. </VL>
> Consider if the browser could compute the set of every “reachable” glyph
> that any possible sequence of these characters could reference.
> <VL> It cannot, in my opinion. Computing reachable glyphs is the process
> where shaping / layout rules and other font features are applied – you have
> to have at least a font subset already delivered that gives you that data.
> </VL>
> I wonder, for normal fonts with normal shaping rules, what the
> relationship between the size of the set of characters and the size of the
> set of possibly reachable glyphs. If the correlation is roughly linear or
> sublinear, this likely isn’t a big deal, but if a small set of input
> characters can potentially reference every glyph in the font, that would be
> unfortunate.
> <VL> I don’t think the concept of a “normal font” is even applicable in
> this case, for the reasons I previously mentioned. </VL>
> I am sure there is more to consider, this is just the tip of an iceberg.
> As is, these considerations seem to create certain additional challenges
> for incremental transfer, and also give bit more weight to an alternative
> approach Myles has suggested, when a browser can ask for the basic subset
> to start with and incrementally update it based on real needs determined by
> shaping and CSS.
> In both approaches, the browser knows a) which characters are present on
> the page b) which characters are affected by which styles, and c) which
> specific sequences of characters it needs to be rendering in each font.
> Therefore, in both approaches, the browser can decide whether or not to
> consider styling or shaping information in its requests to the server. So,
> I don’t think this addition helps us make a distinction between the two
> approaches.
> <VL> Cases a) and b) are true, c) is a controversial subject – the browser
> will know what character combinations are present in the input but it
> doesn’t know whether those combinations will be rendered by a sequence of
> individual glyphs (and which particular glyphs as is the case for e.g.
> Arabic), or if there is a single glyph that needs to be rendered to display
> a ligature, or a syllable – this knowledge can only be obtained after
> shaping is done, and from that point on the browser will not be dealing
> with character sequences, it will be dealing with glyph IDs.
> In one approach, the browser would have to send back to font server
> everything it knows about a particular input, including information about
> discretionary features, text spans for which those discretionary features
> are selected, etc., and basically ask the font server to either do the
> shaping and determine the optimal font subset to be created, or to create a
> “superset” that would cover all possible output combinations. And even if
> this can be done, I am not sure if it’s reasonable – too many things can go
> wrong.
> In another approach, the browser needs an initial subset that provides all
> necessary metric/layout/shaping data, does the shaping, determines an
> output set of glyph IDs that are needed to display the input, and asks for
> an incremental subset that contains outline data for those glyph IDs. What
> it gets back is an optimal subset containing everything that is needed and
> nothing is missing. </VL>
> It probably means that, whichever solution is picked, the client should be
> asking the server for particular glyphs, rather than particular characters,
> because the server doesn’t (shouldn’t) know the styles on the page.
> <VL> Exactly my point, and this is why I mentioned that considering the
> magnitude of possible input variations (languages, font features, …) the
> approach you proposed [where font data is organized in a particular way and
> the browser can start by reading what is required for shaping and then
> amend it with the glyph data] should be given additional consideration
> because of it.</VL>
> You are right, however, that any implementation should be able to have
> affordances for grappling with this problem, either by considering all the
> above, or intentionally not considering some of them.
> Thoughts?
> Thank you,
> Vlad

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2019 18:14:41 UTC