Re: We did it! WOFF 2.0 is a Rec!

Excellent news! As soon as it gets close to 5PM, like lunchtime, I'll be raising a glass to everyone who made this happen. 🍷

I am particularly pleased to see support for Font Collections, as they tend to be near and dear to my heart, especially the Mega and Ultra ones that I have built.

-- Ken

> On Mar 1, 2018, at 7:52 AM, Levantovsky, Vladimir <> wrote:
> Folks,
> Congratulations on doing an excellent job on WOFF 2.0, and on being a dedicated and patient bunch that had the tenacity to stick with slow (but steady) progress. Today, W3C has approved and published the WOFF 2.0 spec as a W3C Recommendation, and they also issued a media advisory [1] that emphasizes how important web fonts are as a major Web typography tool.
> Special thanks to Chris Lilley who supported us every step of the way, and who wrote an excellent blog post [2] summarizing the history and challenges of web font development – from the first baby steps to its global adoption today!
> Congrats! Give yourself a hug, you deserve it!
> Vlad
> [1]

> [2]

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2018 16:16:47 UTC