HTTP Archive: Breakdown of font usage by type (WOFF 2.0/1.0, TTF, OTF)

Hello working group,

As follow up from my action item from yesterday:

WOFF-ACTION-204: Dig through http archive for woff2 deployment numbers

Here is a breakdown of the font usage by type across the HTTP Archive
corpus.  Specifically, a breakdown of the font file extensions requested by
the browser (Chrome) over the entire corpus (Alexa Top 500K home pages)

> bq query "select count(*) as count, ext from [httparchive:runs.latest_requests]
where ext in ('woff2', 'woff', 'ttf', 'otf') group by ext order by count
| count  |  ext  |
| 919165 | woff2 | 70.4%
| 304407 | woff  | 23.3%
|  69348 | ttf   |  5.3%
|  12517 | otf   |  0.9%

WOFF 2.0 is clearly the runaway winner @ 70.4%, with WOFF 2.0 coming in
second @ 23.3%.  Ship it!


Key links for reference:

HTTP Archive:

Latest Requests (from April 15th, 2017):

The earlier "Web Font Media Type Analysis 2015" which leveraged the HTTP
Archive data and elaborated on how to extract the info:

Thank you,

Received on Thursday, 11 May 2017 17:21:58 UTC