- From: Sergey Malkin <sergeym@microsoft.com>
- Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:01:06 +0000
- To: "public-webfonts-wg@w3.org" <public-webfonts-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <BLUPR03MB2468DEC263D577ADD6EE4A4B3DB0@BLUPR03MB246.namprd03.prod.outlook.com>
Hi, It was brought to my attention that some fonts that are part of EPUB3 test suite (http://epubtest.org/testsuite/, test 0103) are violating WOFF 1.0 specification. In particular, there is extra byte of padding after metadata block at the end of the file. Spec says that: "If the metadata block is the last block in the WOFF file, there SHOULD be no additional padding after the end of the block". For some reason we've chosen to use SHOULD for padding after metadata, but I don't see any discussion specifically about it. Apparently this is the only SHOULD in the spec in relation to enforcing WOFF structure by user agents, everything else I see uses MUST. Test blocks-extraneous-data-006 checks if font is rejected when there are 4 bytes of padding after metadata, but font in question has only one. IE and Edge are rejecting the font based on this requirement, but Chrome and Firefox don't. Do you think Edge is too strict rejecting the font or spec can be changed to MUST in this case? If yes, should spec be changed to explicitly make padding of metadata to 4-byte boundary optional? This look more realistic than making spec stricter. I am fine with relaxing our code if this is the case, but I would like spec to be clear on this first. If not, can we make this requirement MUST in the spec and add additional test checking for that? And will Firefox and Chrome plan to fix their code to reject such fonts? This would also require EPUB test suite to be updated with valid fonts. Thanks, Sergey
Received on Friday, 29 January 2016 00:01:42 UTC