Re: Telcon reminder and agenda for Sep. 9

Hi Vlad,

Sorry, I'm not going to be able to call in today.

Re the 'hmtx' transform -- I think my inclination would be to just go 
with the simple "all or nothing" approach. IMO, it seems likely that in 
most cases, the tools and workflow used to create any given font will 
either produce consistent lsb and xmin values across all the glyphs, or 
won't ensure such consistency at all.

But if there's evidence that this isn't the case, and people want to 
pursue a more complex approach that allows us to distinguish the two 
arrays, I'm not opposed to considering that -- let's have a concrete 


On 9/9/15 15:15, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:
> I just realized that I left the link to my earlier email out of the agenda:
> [1]
> *From:*Levantovsky, Vladimir []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 09, 2015 9:55 AM
> *To:* w3c-webfonts-wg (
> *Subject:* Telcon reminder and agenda for Sep. 9
> Hello WG,
> We will have our regular WebEx call today (see time and connection info
> below). I only have one item to discuss – the ‘hmtx’ transform and how
> to make the most out of it.
> The background info on the subject can be seen in my earlier email to
> the list [1], the bottom line is that if we take “all or nothing”
> approach we may miss some of the lucrative optimization opportunities
> where a font that has a small run of proportional glyphs and a much
> larger run of monospaced glyphs (thinking of Chinese fonts with
> proportional Latin glyphs and monospaced Kanji) may miss the
> optimization step if lsb values for Latin characters are not equal xmin
> values but Kanji characters are well behaved. “All or nothing” approach
> is easy to implement by simply using a <transformLength> field as an
> indication that the ‘hmtx’ table was pre-processed, but treating two
> different arrays of lsb values separately would require an additional
> signaling mechanism. The answer may still be “all or nothing” but I
> didn’t want to give up without discussing this with the WG.
> If you have anything else you would like to discuss, don’t hesitate to
> send your agenda+ requests to the list.
> The call info:
> US West Coast - 13:00
> US East Coast - 16:00
> Central Europe - 22:00
> IRC channel is #webfonts, irc://
> or
> (We will be using IRC for scribing)
> Meeting Number: 646 418 341
> Meeting Password: font
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> Thank you,
> Vlad

Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 20:03:59 UTC