Re: Question on DSIG and head flag 11

Cosimo Lupo,

Examples of fonts whose tables are not aligned to four-byte boundaries are the OpenType/CFF Collections (OTCs) in Versions 1.000 and 1.001 of Source Han Sans (and, by extension, Noto Sans CJK). The AFDKO otf2otc script wasn't doing this, though the tables in the source OpenType/CFF fonts were aligned to four-byte boundaries. Anyway, the otf2otc was adjusted in early March, and Version 1.002 and beyond (Version 1.004) do not have this issue (though it didn't seem to matter).


-- Ken

> On Jun 29, 2015, at 10:27 AM, Cosimo Lupo <> wrote:
> Sorry about that. I have yet to see an OpenType font with table offsets which are not long-aligned. My experience with fonts is relatively short, so perhaps I tend to take too literally statements like this one from the OT spec:
> > the length of a table must be a multiple of four bytes. In fact, a font is not considered structurally proper without the correct padding. All tables must begin on four byte boundries, and any remaining space between tables is padded with zeros.
> Never mind then. Apologies for raising this again.
> C.

Received on Monday, 29 June 2015 16:36:29 UTC