from December 2015 by subject

Agenda for WebEx call tomorrow (Dec. 2)

IETF WG for font top-level type: some progress

Meeting Minutes for Dec 16th, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Minutes, 2 Dec 2015 WebFonts call

No telcon tomorrow

Pseudo-code to read 255UInt16

Telcon reminder

WG Action: Formed Font Top Level Media Type (justfont)

WOFF-ACTION-191: Come up with pseudo code for the uint base128 description

WOFF-ACTION-192: Insert "4 * floor( (numglyphs + 31) / 32)"

WOFF-ACTION-193: Known tags must use known tag format

WOFF-ACTION-194: Investigate the handling of empty glyph records and how it affects the 'hmtx' transform

WOFF2 spec update

WOFF2 update

Last message date: Wednesday, 23 December 2015 18:18:04 UTC