Disposition of Comments started for WOFF 2.0 specification

Hello folks,

We are required to log all comments made to the specification, to
record how we handled the comment, and whether the commentor was
satisfied or not. This is known as the "Disposition of Comments" and
is examined during the transition meeting when we request candidate

There is some W3C-traditional colour coding, with the aim being "a sea
of green and no red" in the is-commentor-happy area.

I have started the disposition of comments for WOFF 2.0 (starting from
the publication on 14 April) and will maintain this document until we
enter Candidate Recommendation (at which point we start a new one, for
comments during CR).


Best regards,
 Chris  Lilley
 Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain

Received on Friday, 17 April 2015 14:24:47 UTC