Re: Planning F2F meeting June 9-11 in Boston area

Hello Vlad,

Thursday, April 9, 2015, 8:46:59 PM, you wrote:

> - your preferred days for organizing the meetings (any time the week
> of June 8 would work);

My preference would be for two days, either Tues 9 - Wed 10 or Wed
10 - Thu 11th. However I could do any days that week.

> - your availability to attend in person or via conf. call / hangouts
> / skype / etc.;

In person, as I will be there anyway.

> - items you would like to see on the F2F agenda.

Comparison of test plan to spec, to ensure that no conformance items
are missed and also that the plan is up to date wrt recent spec

Review of existing tests for correctness

Working on remaining tests

Review of test results, any issues that have come up during testing
like different implementations interpreting the spec in different ways
and thus varying in test results

Review of public feedback, resolving any outstanding issues, update of
disposition of comments document

Progress update about MIME types

Decision to request Candidate Recommendation


Best regards,
 Chris  Lilley
 Technical Director, W3C Interaction Domain

Received on Thursday, 9 April 2015 19:05:01 UTC