Re: WOFF-ACTION-150: Make private data block section clear regarding compression

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Jonathan Kew <> wrote:

> On 16/9/14 12:54, WebFonts Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>> WOFF-ACTION-150: Make private data block section clear regarding
>> compression
>> Assigned to: Vladimir Levantovsky
> Just to confirm here: I assume the intention is to clarify that the
> private data block is NOT part of the Brotli-compressed stream, and is NOT
> compressed in any way as far as the WOFF2 spec is concerned - right?
> (If a vendor chooses to put a Brotli-compressed block of data there, or
> any other compressed format, they're of course free to do so. But as far as
> the WOFF2 spec is concerned, it's simply an opaque block of bytes with no
> known format or interpretation.)
> Does this match your understanding of the intent?

Correct.   The specification will convey that private data is just a
collection of bytes (and not refer to compression, which could otherwise be
confusing as you noted).

Thank you Jonathan!

> JK

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 16:00:42 UTC