More updates for f2f

Hello folks,

* Spec edits / actions

After checking in Vlad's edits, I completed ACTION-131 by copying over
from WOFF 1.0 the relevant testable assertions for the metadata block.
That action is now in pending review state.

Two other actions (actually completed some months ago) were moved to pending review

ACTION-125  Reach out on patent for brotli
ACTION-128  Report on svg binaryxml as a preprocessing step

* Test plan

For WOFF 1.0, we had a wiki page for the user agent, file format and
authoring tool assertions while we developed tests.

I have started similar pages for WOFF 2.0, extracting the testable
assertions out and for a few of them, adding suggestions on how they
could be tested. Anyone in the WG can edit the wiki.

I volunteer to lead the test effort. I hope we can re-use a lot of the
TTX-based Python framework that Tal Leming made for WOFF 1.0. I
suggest that the user agent tests use the same test harness and
automatic result gathering/report generating framework that the CSS WG
uses; our test metadata is the same as theirs.

* Agenda+ Process change

The W3C process recently changed, the procedure for Last Call and
Candidate Rec has been moved to a single stage. I'd like to briefly
outline the changes and then we can decide as a group whether to
continue to use the old process (which we can for up to the next two
years, if desired) or the new one for WOFF 2.0.

* Agenda+ Going to Last Call

As an outcome for the Barcelona meeting, I would like to either have a
minuted decision to go to Last Call, or else a detailed plan for what
exactly needs to be fixed before we can go to Last Call. Either way we
should publish the Editors Draft to /TR as there have been important
changes since the last publication.

Besides asking for wider review (which we have to track, respond to,
and document), that step also triggers a patent exclusion period, and
also means we should submit the Internet Media type to IANA for

* Agenda+ Brotli Internet Draft

Draft-01 expires November 16, 2014. It needs to be refreshed before
then (and ideally, updated). It would be good to discuss next steps
for wider review, which is a prerequisite for moving from Internet
Draft to Informational RFC. Showing that there is more than one
implementation is part of that.

Best regards,

Received on Sunday, 14 September 2014 23:17:19 UTC