Re: [css-fonts] selecting color or monochrome glyphs for emoji fonts

On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 2:14 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> This seems easily addressable, if browsers are willing, by changing
>> 'color' to accept a comma-separated list of values, which are used by
>> multi-color glyphs in some defined order.
> I think I would prefer this to be at least partly defined in the
> @font-face rule, since the palette entries between different fonts are
> going to be entirely incompatible, and it wouldn't be great if you end
> up getting a font other than the one you expect.
> So something like the following what I've been imagining. I thought I
> had sent this to the list already but perhaps not.
> @font-palette FancyPalette {
>   highlight: 0;
>   shadow: 1;
>   ornaments: 2;
> }
> @font-face {
>   font-family: Fancy;
>   src: url(MyFancyFont.woff);
>   font-palette: FancyPalette;
> }
> h1 {
>   font-family: Fancy;
>   font-palette: highlight red, ornaments blue, shadow rgba(10, 20, 30, 0.5);
> }

Yes, something like that would work, with 'font-palette' having an
initial value that uses 'color' for everything instead.

And no, you hadn't sent this to the list.  Please do so, as I have
some feedback on it. ^_^


Received on Friday, 22 August 2014 00:02:34 UTC