Conference call agenda for Wednesday, May 30

Hello WebFont WG members,

It's been a long time since our last WG telcon, and for good reasons - the WOFF 1.0 spec has been finalized and we were waiting for implementations to improve to pass the CTS and satisfy the CR exit criteria for spec progression. The results are looking really good [1], we only have a single UA test failing, and this is why I would like us to have a call to discuss the issue in details.

The test in question [2] is related to the padding of the last font table to 4-byte boundary. As you know, the OpenType / OFF specification doesn't define strict requirements for the last table to be padded (it is strongly recommended but not mandated), and many existing font parsers do not consider it a spec violation if the last font table is not padded. The WOFF spec defines this as a mandatory requirement, and for a good reason - the table data may be followed by metadata / private data block that start on the long word boundary. However, in light of accepted behavior that is exhibited by the existing font tools and considering that this is the only test failing today that holds us back from progressing the spec to the Proposed Recommendation status - I would like to bring it up for discussion again to see if it would make sense to relax the requirement for last table padding [3].

Let us have the telcon on Wednesday, May 30 (next week) to discuss this:

US West Coast - 07:00

US East Coast - 10:00

Central Europe - 16:00

Japan - midnight

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     with conference code 3668 ("FONT") followed by '#' sign.

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Thank you,


Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 18:47:19 UTC