Re: Some minor errors in the UA testsuite

On Sep 7, 2011, at 9:07 AM, Chris Lilley wrote:

> I noticed some minor errors in the UA testsuite and wanted to bring them to your attention.
> 1) invalid font-family value
>  body {
> 	font-family;
> 	font-size: 20px;
>  }
> The font family property is not assigned a value, which is a syntax error, so the whole rule (including the font-size) will be skipped.
> If the intent was to set the font list to nil, you can't do that. If the intent was to set it from some ua-dependent list of fonts to a single value, you can do that with, for example, 
>  font-family: serif;

It was a typo. "font-family;" shouldn't have been there. I removed all of these and checked in the changes.

> 2) relative and absolute spec URIs
> I notice that in general, the spec links are absolutized. However, if there is more than one such link, the second one is relative. They should all be absolute.

The generator wasn't adding the spec link to the front of the #. It should be fixed now.

Thanks for catching these mistakes. please let me know if you see anything else.


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 13:28:49 UTC