Conference call reminder, Wed. Oct. 26

Hello WG,

I would like us to have our regularly scheduled telcon this week to discuss the upcoming W3C TPAC meeting schedule and events, review the remaining action items (both open and pending) and discuss our agenda for the next week joint meetings. Feel free to bring up any other items for discussion.

US West Coast - 13:00
US East Coast - 16:00
Central Europe - 22:00
Japan - 05:00 (next day)

Zakim telephone bridge:

     +1.617.761.6200 (Boston) or

     + (Paris) or

     +44.203.318.0479 (London)

     with conference code 3668 ("FONT")

IRC channel is #webfonts, irc://



1.       Action items

-          Open:

-          Pending review:

2.       Joint meetings schedule at W3C TPAC

-          Monday, Oct. 31 11:00am-noon - Joint meeting with CSS / WebApps / WebAppSec WGs to discuss CORS/From-Origin;

-          Monday, Oct. 31 5:00-6:00pm - Joint meeting with CSS to discuss SOR.

3.       AOB

Thank you,

Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2011 19:03:32 UTC