Re: Spec edits: div/span and @dir/@class

Many thanks for this, Chris.

On 24 May 2011, at 18:37, Chris Lilley wrote:

> Hello Jonathan,
> I'm going through the disposition of comments and the actions list,
> trying to pull together the spec edits that need to be done. Here is
> the next one I have found.
> I18N-ISSUE-7: Paragraphs and inline content 
> I18N-ISSUE-8: Direction attributes needed
> The edits for these two issues consist of adding a) div and span elements as children of 'text' elements, 

That's what I thought. What confused me, though, was your mail of Apr 6 responding to I18N:

<quote src="">
  The content model is as follows:

  'vendor', 'credit', 'description', 'license', 'copyright', 'licensee',
  'text', 'name' and 'item' have a mixed content model of text content,
  'div' and 'span' elements.

which seems to call for these to be used even in metadata elements (vendor, credit, licensee) that are currently defined as empty elements, holding their information in simple attributes. Was it really intended that we should radically change the content model for these, or was this an oversight?


Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 08:38:54 UTC