- From: Jonathan Kew <jonathan@jfkew.plus.com>
- Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:36:38 +0000
- To: WOFF Working Group FONT <public-webfonts-wg@w3.org>
To allow localization of the Credits in WOFF metadata (see Last Call feedback I18N-ISSUE-6), where the information is stored as attributes of the (multiple) <credit> elements rather than as the contents of <text> children, I suggest we allow the metadata to include multiple <credits> elements, each with a different xml:lang attribute: <metadata version="1.0"> <uniqueid id="com.example.fontvendor.demofont.rev12345" /> <vendor name="Font Vendor" url="http://fontvendor.example.com" /> <credits xml:lang="en"> <credit name="Font Designer" url="http://fontdesigner.example.com" role="Lead" /> <credit name="Another Font Designer" url="http://anotherdesigner.example.org" role="Contributor" /> <credit name="Yet Another" role="Hinting" /> </credits> <credits xml:lang="fr"> <credit name="Créateur de Fonte" url="http://fontdesigner.example.com" role="Principal" /> <credit name="Un Autre Créateur de Fonte" url="http://anotherdesigner.example.org" role="Contribuant" /> <credit name="Encore Un Autre" role="Indication" /> </credits> ...etc. We could allow multiple localized <vendor> elements in the same way. The UA would then choose one of each such first-level element based on the user's language preferences. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires repeating the complete <credits> element and all its <credit> subelements even if only a single name is to be localized; but it avoids changing or complicating the structure of the <credit> element to introduce additional localizable children, which is what we'd have to do in order to support piecemeal localization of the individual fragments. So on balance I think I prefer this for simplicity and backward compatibility. JK
Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 15:37:38 UTC