Re: Minutes, 16 February 2011 WebFonts WG telcon

Also sprach John Daggett:

 > Yes, but that's just shifting the inter-spec dependency around.
 > In my mind the key question is whether to wait for 'From-origin'
 > to be specified.  One possible way to do avoid delaying the
 > entire CSS3 Fonts spec would be to define the default same origin
 > restriction for @font-face loading in CSS3 Fonts with a
 > non-normative note stating that the method for relaxing this
 > restriction will be worked out later (i.e. CORS or From-origin).

I'd be hesitant to require SOR without having a defined way of
relaxing it; pointers into the future should be avoided in specs.

Given that we want From-Origin to work for the web in general, isn't
it more natural to define this in HTML5?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 21 February 2011 06:16:33 UTC