RE: SOR: CORS or From-Origin?

[Håkon Wium Lie:]
> Yes. It's a tradeoff. Slightly more work for font publishers with
> restrictions -- they would have to add this to their .htaccess file:
>   <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|TTF|otf|OTF|woff|WOFF)$">
>   Header set From-Origin same
>   </FilesMatch>

That's not work for font publishers, that's work for the guy who
licensed and paid for the font and now needs to monkey around with
his HTTP server config to conform to the license. (And assumes he
has access to .htaccess, which is not always the case e.g. small 
business using a hosting service). Never mind the skills to do it
correctly and verify that the font is indeed same-origin after the
change. This also has to be done for every server that may serve 
the font for this domain etc.  

If, on the other hand, browsers enforce same-origin by default, then
all the author has to do is to put the font in a directory on their 
server and reference it. 

Can we *at least* agree this is a much lower barrier for authors in
the most general use-case ? 

> In return we get a mechanism that the whole web can use, one that also
> solves privacy concerns.

Solving the problem generally is always nice, but as the default 
behavior of the general solution conflicts with the smart default 
for fonts it does not really improve on the current solution for
our purposes. One possible tweak would be to say that resources 
loaded by @font-face should be treated as if From-Origin:same was 
set unless the server sets that header. 

Received on Thursday, 10 February 2011 17:15:51 UTC