Conference call reminder and agenda Wed. Feb. 9th

Hello WG,

We will have our telcon tomorrow, Wednesday Feb 9th at the regularly schedule time at:

US West Coast - 07:00

US East Coast - 10:00

Central Europe - 16:00

Japan - midnight

Zakim telephone bridge:

     +1.617.761.6200 (Boston) or

     + (Paris) or

     +44.203.318.0479 (London)

     with conference code 3668 ("FONT")

IRC channel is #webfonts, irc://


Proposed agenda:

1.       Review open action items:
We have accumulated a significant number of the action items - let's make an effort to review all of them and close those that have been addressed.

2.       Last Call comments:

Review the remaining open issues and update the disposition of comments

3.       Test suite - review the progress Tal made on File Format tests:

4.       Time permitting - I would like to conduct a straw poll to gauge a level of interest for a dedicated call on SOR.

5.       AOB

Thank you,

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 21:40:01 UTC