Re: WOFF FAQ (action 29)

David Berlow wrote:

> John, thanks for your hard work on this. I would love to hear a number of responses to this from the SVG WG.

I, too, would like some insight into where the SVG WG are with regard to 
WOFF. Some early reports on WOFF suggested that the SVG WG were 
considering dropping SVG fonts from the conformance requirements for 
SVG, hence my parenthetical comment in the FAQ draft that WOFF may 
render SVG fonts unnecessary. I added this comment to the draft last 
night, based on what I had read and understood from the state of play at 
the time of the face-to-face meeting in Lyon, but I am keen to know 
whether a formal decision has been taken in this regard by the SVG WG, 
and how this would best be reflected in the wording of the WOFF FAQ.

Chris L, is this something on which you can comment?


Received on Saturday, 5 February 2011 00:01:17 UTC