Telcon minutes - April 13, 2011

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                               - DRAFT -

                 WebFonts Working Group Teleconference

13 Apr 2011

   See also: [2]IRC log






     * [3]Topics
     * [4]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 13 April 2011

   <John> zakim aaaa is John

   <John> Sylvain, are you joining the call?

   trackbot-ng, start telcon

   <trackbot> Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference

   <trackbot> Date: 13 April 2011

   <scribe> scribenick: sylvaing

   UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: discussing MIME type for web fonts

   vlad: once it was realized that woff already used a MIME type, it
   wasn't clear what the application was for
   ... for a container format, one also needs to know what is inside
   the container
   ... hence the question as to whether a parameter to define the
   contained type would be necessary

   john: how critical is this for CSS ?

   <John> CFF

   sylvaing: not critical for browsers which care about where the
   request comes from e.g. src descriptor in @font-face
   ... so which apps need a MIME type ?

   vlad: without explicit knowledge of what applications will use this,
   we wanted to be explicit

   sergeym: one can be explicit about this in CSS using the format hint
   ... scribe is catching up. We are discussing use-cases where WOFF is
   not loaded through CSS
   ... do we have any applications in mind where fonts will be
   downloaded that won't involve CSS ?

   vlad: yes, Java/J2ME apps on a mobile phone

   sylvaing: who's asking for a MIME type ?

   vlad: some font developers
   ... they want a set of MIME types that covers not just WOFF but
   other formats

   sylvaing: so this is outside WOFF's scope and our WG's ?

   vlad: yes, but we should at least offer our opinion
   ... and, for WOFF, should we allow for parameters to describe what
   is inside the WOFF container

   john: but where do you draw the line ? some people will want to know
   what kind of layout tables and other features are available

   vlad: in this case there are well-defined limits as to what can be a
   MIME type

   sylvaing: but if it's ok for CSS format hints to just say woff, why
   do mime types need extra parameters

   vlad: it's up to the implementation. since we're outside CSS, we
   don't really know what's needed

   sylvaing: I'm ok with it in principle but it's hard to argue without

   vlad: right. the discussion at ISO started as 'other types have this
   therefore fonts should have it' and this started the whole

   john: I was wondering if this could be of use for a mobile phone
   e.g. windows phone to get a content-type header vs. waiting for the
   resource to sniff it ?

   sylvaing: nice in principle but experience shows that in practice
   this header can't be trusted by browsers whether mobile or desktop

   john: for WOFF, we've effectively presumed the use of CSS

   sylvaing: yes, and thus for use-cases that involve WOFF and other
   formats outside CSS, use-cases would be very helpful

   john: we acknowledge there are use-cases but they are outside web
   standards and thus beyond WOFF's scope. E.g. use in Blu-ray players
   does not involve web documents and is not addressed by WOFF or the
   WebFonts WG.

   <scribe> ACTION: Vlad to email the WebFonts WG with the proposed
   response to ISO [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-86 - Email the WebFonts WG with the
   proposed response to ISO [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2011-04-20].

   <John> Looks good

   <Vlad> trackbot, make minutes

   <trackbot> Sorry, Vlad, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'.
   Please refer to [6] for help


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Vlad to email the WebFonts WG with the proposed
   response to ISO [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2011 20:54:03 UTC