Conf. call minutes and agenda - June 23

WebFonts Working Group Teleconference
23 Jun 2010

See also: IRC log<>


 *   Topics<>
 *   Summary of Action Items<>


<trackbot> Date: 23 June 2010

<tiro_j> test

<sylvaing> am here

First topic: F2F meeting at TypeCon, Tuesday Aug 17. Not too many people confirmed to be going. Vlad, Christopher, Chris, John, Erik (and who else...?)

We need good representation from browser developers to make the F2F worthwhile.

<erik> Tal said he will join TypeCon.

<sylvaing> f2f: hoping one of sergeym/sylvaing will be able to go to typecon; not sure yet

Vlad will ask Tamye about conference registration fees, possible discount.

SOTA/TypeCon would like to see a "status report" from the WG at TypeCon, and as much interaction between WG members and the conference as possible/appropriate.

Vlad will post (again) to the list to see which browser developers can confirm for the F2F at TypeCon.

[End of F2F discussion. Begin discussion of latest draft spec...]

Is it appropriate to make recommendations in the spec about how UAs should handle WOFFs? Should we recommend against OSes installing WOFFs?

We can put a statement in Recommendations section which says WOFF must not be installed/used as a system font.

Why should WOFF say anything different than what CSS says about web fonts?

<jfkthame> in the introduction: copy the restriction on downloadable fonts from CSS (not available to other docs/apps)

<jfkthame> in Best Practices: recommend against operating systems etc supporting WOFF as an installable font file format

I have no objection to promoting this draft to public draft (after current changes).

<sylvaing> no objection either

We will suspend conference calls for the next 3 weeks -- next call July 21.

July 21 will be later call (same as today).

(I missed the setup to the current topic, so maybe someone wants to write that up here.)

<jfkthame> suggestion that we provide example XSLT for processing the metadata to give a default presentation

Summary of Action Items
[End of minutes]

From: [] On Behalf Of Levantovsky, Vladimir
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 3:56 PM
To: w3c-webfonts-wg (
Subject: Conf. call reminder and agenda on June 23

Hello WG,

This is a friendly reminder that our next conference call is scheduled on Wed. June 23rd at:

US West Coast - 13:00
US East Coast - 16:00
Central Europe - 22:00
Japan - 05:00

Zakim telephone bridge:

     +1.617.761.6200 (Boston) or

     + (Nice) or

     +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol)

     with conference code 3668 ("FONT")

IRC channel is #webfonts, irc://



1.       Planning for WG F2F meeting on Aug. 17 at TypeCon.

TypeCon organizers will provide a meeting room at no cost, and we can use their room block rate of $169 for those who will stay at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency. Projector and refreshments are on us (we can buy and/or bring our own, or have hotel serve them and pick up the expense). If someone lives in the area and plans to drive to LA - can you please bring a projector? This is likely to be our major expense for the meeting - I may be able to bring one with me if we don't have other alternatives.
They are looking forward to our participation at the conference and are interested in having us make a presentation. Ideas, active participation and proposed topics for the presentation are welcome (which may include but not limited to web fonts and WOFF file format, development progress, technology, tools, implementations, use cases and recommendations, business models, WebFonts WG structure, W3C process including standardization steps, draft reviews, disposition of comments, etc.).

Tentative agenda for the F2F:

- review the existing implementations and tools;

- conformance specification;

- test suite for WOFF;

- test suites for WebFonts TBD in collaboration with CSS, SVG and XSL group (to be ready for our meetings in November).

2.       Review WOFF editor's draft and discuss the next steps (promotion to FPWD).

3.       Summer schedule and AOB.

Thank you,

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 2010 20:58:53 UTC