RE: WOFF and extended metadata

> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Jonathan Kew

> This sounds to me like something that goes way beyond what people would reasonably expect to express 
> in a generic key-value pair metadata form. Also, to be widely useful, it ought to be given a standard, defined 
> place in the metadata spec. As such, it could easily be defined (e.g., in WOFF metadata version 2.0) as a new 
> <sample-xhtml> element that directly includes the relevant XHTML fragment. This is NOT what the key-value 
> metadata extension mechanism is intended for, and we wouldn't want UAs cluttering their "Show Font Info" 
> panel with it anyway.

Strongly agree. This is meant to support font metadata, not sample pages, demos, advertising and what not. 
It is entirely possible to link to one or more sample pages from the metadata and this is in fact the kind of
use-case key-value pair extensibility is well suited for.

Besides, wouldn't one prefer to keep such samples in a place where they can be accessed and updated 
independently of each individual font files ? 

Received on Monday, 21 June 2010 21:00:56 UTC