Re: Welcome, and introductions


I am Dave Crossland, and I am a professional systems administrator,
graphic designer and public speaker.

I have a BA in Interaction Design and an MA in Typeface Design. My
work is diverse but always tends to center around the web.

I have not been an employee of any organisation since 2004 and
formally represent only myself. However, it would be disingenuous to
say that I am non-partisan. I use only libre software to do the
various kinds of work I do, and want to see the software freedom
movement represented here.

I have been subscribed to the list for several years
now, but this is my first time formally involved in a standards body.

This year I am traveling widely. Right now I'm in the UK, but I will
probably be in North America July-September and in South East Asia
after that.


Received on Thursday, 3 June 2010 18:32:06 UTC