RE: WOFF and extended metadata

> From: Jonathan Kew []

> No, <name> and <value> are paired by virtue of being children of the
> same <item>.

Check. So we get to apply language matching/fallback rules on both
sides of the name-value pair in order to produce the pair that best
matches the current user's preferences. This is definitely the bit I 
missed. It's certainly very flexible but a level of processing complexity 
I frankly wasn't expecting here. Achieving consistency across UAs and 
tools processing this data will require more work, spec prose, conformance 
criteria and possibly test cases than I had ever anticipated for file 

I strongly feel we're trying to anticipate too much because we in fact
know so little.

As I told Tal in a separate exchange, I am starting to wonder if your
generic XML rendering proposal may not be the better option today for 
the entire block. Until such time font vendors agree on a common metadata
format *they* are all comfortable with based on market practice.

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 18:42:44 UTC