Re: Open Font License FAQ updated!

On 24 August 2010 12:22, Sylvain Galineau <> wrote:
>> Question: 2.3 What about other webfont formats such as
>> EOT/EOTLite/CWT/etc.?
>> Answer: In most cases these formats alter the original font data more
>> than WOFF, and do not completely support appropriate metadata, so
>> their use must be considered modification and RFNs may not be used.
> It's true that EOT does not have WOFF's metadata support, claiming that
> EOT alters the original font data more than WOFF is puzzling. Surely,
> prepending a header to the original file and compressing the whole thing
> is less of an alteration of the font data proper than extracting each
> table and compressing each individually.

Yes, I thought this was curious too - because the WOFF specific answer
says that using WOFF _without metadata_ means no renaming requirement.

Since web font services use automated conversion systems for WOFF and
EOT, I think this is important to clarify.

SVG Font conversion is more tricky, since that is a not a
straightforward compression.

Received on Wednesday, 25 August 2010 05:01:08 UTC