- From: Chris Lilley <chris@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 03:15:37 +0200
- To: www-font@w3.org
Hello www-font, http://www.w3.org/2010/08/18-webfonts-minutes.html WebFonts WG f2f, Los Angeles 17 Aug 2010 Attendees Present Vlad, Chris, JDaggett, Sylvain, Christopher, John, Lurence, Dave, Adam, Sergei, Julio, Tab, Tal, Erik Regrets Chair Vlad Scribe crossland Contents * [2]Topics * [3]Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________ cslye: what if you have something a font manager can use, but not a UA? jdaggett: we're concerned about conformant UAs cslye: we have this block specified, and as soon as anyone uses it, it out of spec jdaggett: right, its not for UAs to use, its for font vendor to fingerprint in Julio: it should be changed, ye ... the language should be changed in S7P1 eriK: can the update notidication be done by file date and name in the metadata? John: its the update url? crossland: yes <TabAtkins_> ACTION: jdaggett to Tighten the description of the private data block. [recorded in [4]http://www.w3.org/2010/08/18-webfonts-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-25 - Tighten the description of the private data block. [on John Daggett - due 2010-08-25]. ChrisL: <license url=""> is not THE LICENSE cslye: the advantageof WOFF could attach the actualy license ot the font ChrisL: <license> is thelicense of the WOFF, not the font John: its a license for web use ... the font might have a license that says you can link on the web in secondarily licensed domains. ... the WOFF says what those domains are ... you dont want to write the font metadata each time you make a woff, you want on TTF and when you woff it apply metadata simpley Vlad: when you have 2 documents that claim to be a license, the least restrictive one is what is enforcable, so you dont want anything that can be interpreted as a second license cslye: you dont want ot say this is for the license of font John: so do we want ot be clear its a license for the woff file? cslye: no, some foundries may want to use it in a specific way for the contianed font, and others will want something else adam: i see WOFF as a ZIP archive; we are making a packaging convention... John: i prefer "license summary" as "license" implies a legal agreement erik: what if your license is 2 lines? adam: "licensing information" ... that could be full license, summary, url... cslye: if adobe decides its risky to use it, we wont use it John: in the spec we should not call it a license, "licensing information" is generic and covers an actual license and anything else cslye: good topic for the panel Vlad: 1 hour left <Adam> Section 6, license block: change "The license for the font." to "The licensing information for the font." action chrisl to Section 6, license block: change "The license for the font." to "The licensing information for the font." <trackbot> Created ACTION-26 - Section 6, license block: change "The license for the font." to "The licensing information for the font." [on Chris Lilley - due 2010-08-25]. <ChrisL> ACTION: chris to write up a test suite plan [recorded in [5]http://www.w3.org/2010/08/18-webfonts-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-27 - Write up a test suite plan [on Chris Lilley - due 2010-08-25]. Vlad: TPAC, CSS is obvious group, also SVG and XSL jdaggett: what topics are? ... that determines how long we need Vlad: topics is after checking for need to discuss ChrisL: yes, need to ask if they willuse woff and to what extent jdaggett: by november we hsould have a test suite so everyone in the room can look at the tests ... everyone of us ... it would be better to ask svg who will need to use woff to participate in our meeting at tpuc ChrisL: people in this gruop could do ueful review of css3-fonts, similarly the other way Adam: new q: could i change which font is used via js? cslye: yes, like typekit's js loader doe Adam: in FontLab 6 i'd like to have a feature for live preview in HTML ... without reloading the whole page <ChrisL> XSL FO is meeting thu/fri <ChrisL> [6]http://www.w3.org/2010/11/TPAC/ [6] http://www.w3.org/2010/11/TPAC/ Vlad: last item is implementation review ChrisL: i asked adam if FL will support WOFF soon Adam: certainly Vlad: reference implementation? ChrisL: status of woff at opera isnt yet clear <erik> [7]http://www.flickr.com/photos/letterror/4890870343/in/set-72157624 711809860/ [7] http://www.flickr.com/photos/letterror/4890870343/in/set-72157624711809860/ jdaggett: when the test suite is ready, we'll need a table of who passes what tests ChrisL: and maintain it ... and once there are 2 green bars, we can move forward Lorp: do any clauses prohibit usage on non-web platforms - like ebooks - where they pacakge text+woff jdaggett: why do this? ... ah, download with a book erik: woff compressino may be nicer than a raw font? Lorp: licening might be related for web and ebooks Vlad: epub can include fonts Adam: adobe has a dont obfuscation technique like PDF-XML cslye: i didnt know about that until this year, its old si daniel: iTunes Album Format might bundle fonts si daniels: if it uses @font-face doesn't mean font licensing for the web will cover such usage <Vlad> Acknoledgements ChrisL: ebook vendors have approached w3c <Vlad> The WebFonts WG would like to thank Typecon organizers and SoTA for accommodating the attendees of the WG F2F meeting and providing meeting facilities, and would like to thank Adobe Systems and Christopher Slye for providing video projector for our use during the meeting. jdaggett: comment on css3-font; we dont support TTC, and their typical uses are tricky and dont apply to web fonts context ... any ideas? Adam: with css font stacking you can do the same thing ... you can slice your fonts into groups that way ... typical ttc allows many kanji and half width or full width or mono latin ... you can just do this with a css font stack cslye: yes, but will composite fonts become more widely used and think they cant use it as is on the web, and will THEY think to use a cs font stack? or will they want omtehing more convenient? John: WOFF is a container, having made some TTC i know they are a cmoplicated way to get a small space saving... Adam: css is a composite format mechanism; unicode ranges, a way of pulling it all together John: you coul dhave a composite font format with WOFF payloads Vlad: WOFF2 could accomodate composite fonts John: composite fonts is just XML wrapping around fonts Adam: you can have it as one piece of woff data, like the metadata block, and then chunk ALL the tables together ... the CWOFF Vlad: if you have text in arabic and latin, you want to keep uing the numerals defined in the arabic font John: european punctuation is used all over the world ... chars in the devanagri block are meant to be used in other indic script s Adam: common locale directory; exemplar section of unicode.org <John> Big thanks to Dave and Tab for scribing. Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: chris to write up a test suite plan [recorded in [8]http://www.w3.org/2010/08/18-webfonts-minutes.html#action02] [NEW] ACTION: jdaggett to Tighten the description of the private data block. [recorded in [9]http://www.w3.org/2010/08/18-webfonts-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes] -- Chris Lilley Technical Director, Interaction Domain W3C Graphics Activity Lead, Fonts Activity Lead Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG Member, CSS, WebFonts, SVG Working Groups
Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 01:15:38 UTC