RE: Minutes, 4 August WebFonts WG telcon

One correction - WOFF party (sponsored by Microsoft) is Tuesday night, after the F2F WG meeting, not on Friday as recorded in the minutes.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Levantovsky, Vladimir
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5:21 PM
> To: w3c-webfonts-wg (
> Subject: FW: Minutes, 4 August WebFonts WG telcon
> Forwarding to the WG list.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Chris Lilley
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Minutes, 4 August WebFonts WG telcon
> Hello www-font,
> or below as text
>                  WebFonts Working Group Teleconference
> 04 Aug 2010
>    [2]Agenda
>       [2]
> wg/2010Aug/0010.html
>    See also: [3]IRC log
>       [3]
> Attendees
>    Present
>           Vlad, sylvaing, ChrisL, +31.18.768.aaaa, Erik, tal, John,
>           Sergei, jdaggett, +1.416.589.aabb, Dave, cslye
>    Regrets
>           Christopher
>    Chair
>           Vlad
>    Scribe
>           ChrisL
> Contents
>      * [4]Topics
>          1. [5]Review the first public working draft
>          2. [6]Typecon 2010:
>          3. [7]Planning of the F2F meeting.
>          4. [8]WOFF publicity/promotion at Typecon
>          5. [9]review spec for conformance and testable assertions
>          6. [10]aob
>      * [11]Summary of Action Items
>      _________________________________________________________
>    <trackbot> Date: 04 August 2010
>    <scribe> Scribe: ChrisL
> Review the first public working draft
>    Vlad: Thanks jdaggett for reviewing the spec
>    [12]
>    l
>      [12]
> font/2010JulSep/0027.html
>    jdaggett: most of these are editorial
>    ... two major things
>    ... section 8 conformance, checksum must be correct, implication is
>    that checksum is computed and checked,
>    ... must either correct the values or issue a warning
>    ... need to be consistent, reject or warn?
>    ... many checks need to happen but that is not part of woff, hapens
>    once a font is converted
>    sergeym: validating a checksum is an additional step
>    jdaggett: not clear if we can reuse the header checksum or required
>    to recompute it
>    sergeym: UA does not change table structure
>    ... so the checksum is still valid
>    jdaggett: wording says the tool should validate it
>    Vlad: sergeym seems to be agreeing that checksum validation should
>    not be required of UA
>    resolved: UAS need not validate checksums
>    <scribe> ACTION: jjonathan to clarify that checksums are not checked
>    by a user agent [recorded in
>    [13]]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jjonathan
>    <scribe> ACTION: jjonothan to clarify that checksums are not checked
>    by a user agent [recorded in
>    [14]]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jjonothan
>    <scribe> ACTION: jonothan to clarify that checksums are not checked
>    by a user agent [recorded in
>    [15]]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jonothan
>    <scribe> ACTION: jonathan to clarify that checksums are not checked
>    by a user agent [recorded in
>    [16]]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-12 - Clarify that checksums are not
>    checked by a user agent [on Jonathan Kew - due 2010-08-11].
>    jdaggett: better to move the conformance requirenents into section
>    8, list for tools and user agents
>    Vlad: yes appendices should be informative so notrmative text should
>    be moved out of there
>    ... of if it looks normative bit isnt it should be reworded
>    jdaggett: structural issue, repeating similar ideas in 2 parts of a
>    document they get out of sync over time
>    ... woff processor, not defined
>    ChrisL: agree, if it means UA
>    jdaggett: no need to define for other than a user agent?
>    ChrisL: not authoring tools?
>    Vlad: encoder and decoder need to understad the same format
>    jdaggett: should not say UA one place and woff processor other
>    places
>    Vlad: in general agree, but slightly broader scope. Used by tool
>    creators for creation and consumption
>    <John> Could we have a general term such as 'WOFF client'
>    ChrisL: as an example a woff validator could say if the checksums
>    are wrong, even though a ua is not required to check them
>    sylvaing: need to clearly distinguish encoders and decoders.
>    processor could apply to both
>    jdaggett: agree that sizes should be specified in bytes for example.
>    trivial to add
>    ChrisL: should say that WOFF stands for web open fornt format
>    Vlad: another comment from Eric Muller partly addressed by
>    jdaggett's edits
>    ChrisL: all of Bobs concerns seemed to be addressed by John
>    Vlad: there was a concern about padding that follows the last table
>    so is not between tables
>    <Vlad>
>    [17]
>    l
>      [17]
> font/2010JulSep/0030.html
>    jdaggett: current spec does not completely address it
>    ... under overal lfile structure in section 2, (quotes) no
>    extraneous data outside tha table. its too vague.
>    ... proposed wording, bob replied it would allow data after the last
>    table
>    ... make change to disallow extraneous data outside the font
>    ... should UAs load a font that has gaps that are more than padding
>    Vlad: think the spec already says this
>    jdaggett: should be in conformance requirements
>    ... change 'between font tables' to include before and after tables
>    too
>    <scribe> ACTION: jonothan t change conformance rwquirements to
>    disallow extraneous data anywhere and require ua to reject a font
>    contasining it [recorded in
>    [18]]
>    <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - jonothan
>    <scribe> ACTION: jonathan t change conformance rwquirements to
>    disallow extraneous data anywhere and require ua to reject a font
>    contasining it [recorded in
>    [19]]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-13 - T change conformance rwquirements to
>    disallow extraneous data anywhere and require ua to reject a font
>    contasining it [on Jonathan Kew - due 2010-08-11].
>    Vlad: Eric Muller comments I responded to
>    ChrisL: surprised by Eric's comments
>    jdaggett: he seemed to say that everything should be in OT tables
>    (or an extension)
>    cslye: he said that metadata that is not woff specific should be
>    inside the fotnt; talked with him about that
>    ... in private discussion
>    Vlad: wanted to respond to his comments right away
> Typecon 2010:
>    Vlad: its in 2 weeks
>    ... john suggested woff presentations better done by tal and erik
>    ... program lists john as the speaker there
>    erik: agreed
>    Vlad: please draft something for the group to discuss
>    erik: will post over the next week
>    Vlad: important to get the message across, what woff does and what
>    it is for
>    ... also ChrisL can you do the wg part?
>    ChrisL: yes sure
>    ... need to tell Tamye about that and check its ok?
>    cslye: no its ok, the panel discussion is more tightly managed. wg
>    slot is fairly open
>    ChrisL: so who is on the panel?
>    cslye: panel is brian mason, cslyye (reads from program)
>    <cslye> TypeCon webfonts panel discussion: Participants include
>    Bryan Mason, moderator (Typekit), Christopher Slye (Adobe), Bill
>    Davis (Ascender), Tom Phinney (Extensis), Adam Twardoch (FontLab),
>    Raph Levien (Google), Erik van Blokland (LettError), Simon Daniels
>    (Microsoft), Vladimir Levantovsky (Monotype Imaging), John Hudson
>    (Tiro Typeworks), Tal Leming (Type Supply), and more.
>    John: make sense for ChrisL to be on panel for w3c questions
>    [20]
>      [20]
>    sylvaing: session is on friday? and wg meeting tues?
>    John: yes and css3 on weds
>    .woff party friday night
> Planning of the F2F meeting.
>    Vlad: be ready to discuss conformance requirements and testable
>    assertions
>    ... will get more details on location. 10-6pm is the time. will get
>    room details
> WOFF publicity/promotion at Typecon
>    (discussion about publicity)
> review spec for conformance and testable assertions
>    ChrisL: related my experience on defining 'lossless; wrt PNG spec,
>    might apply to WOFF too
>    Vlad: fringe cases may need some adjustments
> aob
>    erik: doing experiments with xslt to render the metadata
>    Vlad: may be useful as informative appendix. jkew said not in spec
>    but can be handy to make available
>    ChrisL: its more illustrative
>    ... erik please post a link
>    erik: sure
>    vlad: anything else?
>    adjourned
> Summary of Action Items
>    [NEW] ACTION: jonathan t change conformance rwquirements to disallow
>    extraneous data anywhere and require ua to reject a font contasining
>    it [recorded in
>    [23]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: jonathan to clarify that checksums are not checked by
>    a user agent [recorded in
>    [24]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: jonothan t change conformance rwquirements to disallow
>    extraneous data anywhere and require ua to reject a font contasining
>    it [recorded in
>    [25]]
>    [NEW] ACTION: jonothan to clarify that checksums are not checked by
>    a user agent [recorded in
>    [26]]
>    [End of minutes]
> --
>  Chris Lilley          
>  Technical Director, Interaction Domain
>  W3C Graphics Activity Lead
>  Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 21:30:12 UTC