Re: PR follow-up for TEv1 tests

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 11:45 PM, Sangwhan Moon <> wrote:
> > You can just pull the branch locally, add your commits, push to a branch
> on your GitHub account and send a new pull request. The original commits
> will still have the correct author information.
> Yes, I am aware of this approach - but it's bit cruft for no gain. I was
> more curious about "is there a better way" or is there a more "size
> efficient way" to do this. Asking around and some searching says what I
> want is a big fat "nope".

There's essentially no size difference since git never duplicates commits,
it just moves pointers around.

> It should be possible to systematically re-assign or steal ownership of
> PRs, since people may not (or may not be able to) follow up on a PR they
> sent a year ago, and there is nothing technical that blocks this, except
> GitHub it seems. :-)

Yes, this is by design in GitHub. PRs are directly tied to a branch, and
the branch is tied to a remote, so control of the PR is limited to whoever
has push access on the remote.

Received on Friday, 28 March 2014 13:11:12 UTC