Re: Initial brain dump to the touch events wiki

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Arthur Barstow <>wrote:

> On 11/9/13 8:40 AM, ext Rick Byers wrote:
>> I've just finished an initial brain dump of the things I think are most
>> important for the touch events community group wiki:
> Excellent!
>  It's obviously pretty biased to the things I've been involved in, and
>> mostly links to existing resources elsewhere.  Please help expand it, and
>> feel free to rearrange things to make it prettier and better organized!
> FYI, there is also this wiki <>.
> Perhaps it would be useful to converge them.

Oh - I wasn't aware of that one (probably missed a mention of it?)!  That
also looks great (and is much prettier than mine) and has a bunch of
overlap.  I will merge them, but which site should we use?  I just used the
'wiki' link from the touch events community home page.  Are the access
rights the same for both URLs (anyone with a w3c account)?

> -AB

Received on Monday, 18 November 2013 15:24:42 UTC