Re: Request for Review: Multi-touch test cases; deadline December 4

Thanks Rick and Cathy.

Idecided to "copy" WebApps' testing directory structure (described in 
^1) and copied Cathy's files plus the Moz-Nok-Goog version of 
single-touch.html into a new "approved" directory ^2. I also updated 
each reference to testharness.js to use the version in /resources/ ^3.

After we have resolved^Issue-27, we should be ready to do our formal 
interop testing. At that time, if needed, we can update the approved 
tests e.g. to eliminate redundant tests.


^3 <>
^Issue-27 <>

On 12/6/12 3:50 PM, ext Rick Byers wrote:
> Sorry for the delay.  I've done a quick review of these tests, and I 
> think they're great!  Thanks so much Cathy!
> I've also run them on Chrome desktop (which is slightly different than 
> Chrome for Android) and the results are consistent with the other 
> WebKit results.
> I'm sorry I forgot that I was going to look further into the clientX/Y 
> issues on mobile safari.  I'll try to take a look in the next couple days.
> Rick
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Arthur Barstow < 
> <>> wrote:
>     This is a Request for Review (RfR) of Cathy's multi-touch tests
>     <>.
>     If you have any comments, please send them by December 4.
>     If you review any set of the tests and find no issues, please
>     state that as a reply to this RfR (so we can get a sense of
>     whether or not anyone reviewed the tests).
>     In the absence of any comments, these tests will be considered
>     Approved and hence used in the Candidate interop testing.
>     -Thanks, AB
>     -------- Original Message --------
>     Subject:        Multi-touch test cases
>     Resent-Date:    Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:13:02 +0000
>     Resent-From:    <
>     <>>
>     Date:   Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:12:29 +0000
>     From:   ext <>
>     < <>>
>     To:     < <>>
>     Hi all,
>     Here's my attempt at some multi-touch test cases. The tests can be
>     found at
>     I took a different approach than what we did with the single-touch
>     case by
>     having several test files targeted at different aspects. You can
>     find the
>     following test files at the above location.
>     create-touch-touchlist.html - tests the createTouch and
>     createTouchList APIs.
>     (This actually extends but also overlaps some of the test cases in the
>     single-touch test file. We might consider removing the overlapping
>     cases from
>     the single-touch file.)
>     multi-touch-interfaces.html - tests the implementation of various
>     interfaces
>     (Touch, TouchList and the various events)
>     multi-touch-interactions.html - tests the relationship between
>     Touch events
>     received over time (e.g. how the touch lists in a touch event
>     relates to those
>     received before it etc). Although I included a specific touch
>     pattern in this
>     test, the test actually works for any touch pattern.
>     I've run the tests on a few browsers/devices (the useful ones being
>     Chrome/Firefox/Opera on Android and Mobile Safari on iPad). Most
>     of the
>     failures are related to issues already exposed by the single-touch
>     test:
>     - identifiedTouch is missing from WebKit implementations (Mobile
>     Safari,
>     Chrome on Android).
>     - WebKit implementations (Mobile Safari on iPad, Chrome on Android)of
>     createTouchList does not support an array as input parameter
>     (
>     - with Firefox on Android and Safari on iPad, the clientX/Y check
>     fails.
>     A notable multi-touch specific observation:
>     - with Mobile Safari on iPad, with the touch pattern stated in the
>     test file,
>     assertions and sometimes fail. It appears that
>     when multiple
>     fingers are lifted simultaneously, the UA sometimes dispatches the
>     "same"
>     touchend event to the different targets, where touches is the same but
>     changedTouches and targetTouches vary according to the target
>     element. In
>     particular, changedTouches contains only those touches that were
>     removed from
>     the touch surface, and originated from the target element. This
>     contradicts
>     the definition in the spec that "For the touchend and touchcancel
>     events this
>     must be a list of the touch points that have just been removed
>     from the
>     surface.", which to me reads "regardless of where they started".
>     When these
>     "same" touchend events are processed one after another, the
>     behavior becomes
>     different than the expected behavior. To see this in action,
>     uncomment the
>     commented statement in debug_print() at the top of
>     multi-touch-interactions.js. (It would probably take several
>     attempts to see a
>     failure. It all depends on the timing of removing the fingers and
>     possibly
>     also internal timing on the device itself.)
>     [I also tried these tests on Firefox on N9, the stock WebKit
>     browser on N9 and
>     Opera on Symbian, but encountered rather surprising behaviors such
>     as not able
>     to get multi-touch to work at all on Firefox/N9, and not more than
>     two touches
>     on Opera/Symbian. Seeing that these vendors probably are no longer
>     actively
>     developing for these platforms, I assume there's little point in
>     pursuing the
>     issues.]
>     On a per browser/engine basis, the results look like this.
>     - Opera on Android passes all tests.
>     - Firefox on Android fails only on the clientX/Y check.
>     - WebKit (Chrome and Mobile Safari) has issues with
>     identifiedTouch and
>     createTouchList with arrays.
>     - Additionally Mobile Safari has issues with the clientX/Y check,
>     as well as
>     when multiple touch points that originate on different elements
>     are removed
>     from the touch surface simultaneously.
>     To have at least two passing implementations, we would need either the
>     clientX/Y assertions fixed in the test (I remember Rick said it
>     could have
>     been an issue with the test itself and not the browsers), or the
>     identifiedTouch and createTouchList issues fixed in WebKit.
>     Comments, flames, suggestions are welcome.
>     Regards, Cathy.

Received on Saturday, 8 December 2012 22:31:56 UTC