[admin] New public IRC server refuses passwords

[ bcc public-webevents ]

FYI, the W3C's IRC server was upgraded recently. It was supposed to be 
100% transparent to users but it turned out differently. FMI see 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	New public IRC server refuses passwords
Resent-Date: 	Mon, 15 Oct 2012 15:10:36 +0000
Resent-From: 	<system-notices@w3.org>
Date: 	Mon, 15 Oct 2012 11:10:29 -0400
From: 	ext Brett Smith <brett@w3.org>
To: 	<system-notices@w3.org>

[This issue affects *non-Team* connecting to the IRC server.  I'm
sending this out primarily for the benefit of Team liaisons and others
who need to help collaborators who connect to the public IRC server.]

We've received a few reports that W3C collaborators have been having
trouble connecting to the new public IRC server.  In each case, this has
happened because their client was configured to send a server password.
  Passwords are not necessary to connect to the public IRC server.  The
old server software would ignore this extraneous password; the new
server software rejects connections that provide it.

Public IRC server passwords are not encrypted in any way and can easily
be sniffed by malicious third parties.  Anyone who has an IRC client
configured to connect to the public IRC server with a password should
remove that password to avoid leaking sensitive information.

People with clients configured to send a W3C account password should
change their password using the form at

As always, anyone with questions about this change should contact us at

Best regards,

Brett Smith

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 18:48:07 UTC