Re: Draft agenda: 11 September 2012

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Arthur Barstow <>wrote:

> On 9/10/12 11:51 AM, ext Rick Byers wrote:
>> We also had this item from our agenda on Aug 21st which was skipped since
>> I was on a flight:
>> 4. TouchEvent test results for Chrome; e-mail by Rick Byers
>> <**Public/public-webevents/**
>> 2012JulSep/0011.html<>
>> >
>> I'm not sure there was much of anything to discuss - I think my
>> conclusions (what tests should be removed from the suite, what bugs I
>> should fix in Chrome) are non-controversial.
> FYI, I made a new v2 directory, copied the single-touch.html file to the
> new dir [v2] and then removed v2 features from the v1 version of
> single-touch [v1].
> I ran the Nokia N9 against the v1 tests and got 15/17 passes. The two
> failures:

Cool, these are the same two failures I had on Chrome too.  Nokia uses the
qt port of WebKit, right?  I just filed WebKit bugs to track (in addition
to the chrome-specific bugs I already filed for myself).

1. "Interface names are correct." ; "Can't find variable: TouchList". (The
> implication seems to be this version of WebKit does not support the
> TouchList object.)

> 2. "identifiedTouch" ; "`undefined` is not a function".  (I think we
> already know identifiedTouch is missing from Webkit (at least this version))

> -AB
> [v1]**tests/touch-events-v1/**
> submissions/Mozilla/single-**touch.html<>
> [v2]**tests/touch-events-v2/**
> submissions/Mozilla/single-**touch.html<>

Received on Monday, 10 September 2012 18:24:01 UTC