Indirect touch events?

What is the plan for addressing indirect touch events — i.e. those that are not received relative to screen/client coordinates, but relative to the input device itself?

At a low-level, it's just a matter of giving JavaScript touch events with deviceX/deviceY properties, preferably normalized to the [0-1] range, as well as the same gesture info as direct manipulation. But at the spec level, there needs to be some way of handling and communicating this distinction.

I often find myself working on a lot of map- and photo-related web projects. I'd love to see the web keep pace with the desktop multitouch story that native apps have had (in a limited fashion) since Mac OS X 10.5.8 and now in a quite full fashion on Lion.

Can compatibility indirect touch events be opened as an issue on this spec, please?


Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 10:00:16 UTC